Republic of the Philippines

Province of Quezon
Philippine Standard Time:
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Unisan Museum

At Unisan Museum, every artifact tells a story, every exhibit evokes a sense of wonder, and every visitor becomes part of the ongoing narrative of Unisan's rich and vibrant history. Come, discover the tapestry of time woven within these walls, and embark on a journey of exploration, enlightenment, and appreciation for the cultural heritage of Unisan.

Unisan Museum welcomes you.

The Unisan Museum is a hidden gem full with tales that are just waiting to be uncovered. Unisan is a town steeped in rich history and cultural heritage. Inviting visitors to take an enthralling trip through time, the museum acts as a bridge between the past and present with its unique collection that spans centuries.

  • Exploring the Galleries

  • The Origins Gallery

    Step back in time to the dawn of Unisan's history. Delve into the roots of the town, from its indigenous beginnings to its emergence as a vibrant community. Admire artifacts unearthed from archaeological digs, revealing the daily lives and traditions of early settlers.

  • Colonial Heritage Hall

    Journey through the colonial era, where Unisan was shaped by Spanish influences. Marvel at exquisite religious relics, intricate colonial furniture, and vivid depictions of life under Spanish rule. Learn about the town's pivotal role in trade and commerce during this transformative period.

  • Revolutionary Chronicles

    Experience the fervor of the Philippine Revolution as it unfolds before your eyes. Discover the bravery of Unisan's heroes who fought for independence against colonial oppression. Through immersive exhibits and multimedia presentations, gain insight into the sacrifices made for the nation's freedom.

  • Cultural Tapestry Pavilion

    Celebrate the diversity of Unisan's cultural heritage in this vibrant showcase. From colorful fiestas to traditional crafts, immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and flavors of local traditions. Engage with interactive displays highlighting the town's intangible cultural heritage, including music, dance, and culinary arts.

  • Natural Wonders Gallery

    Explore Unisan's rich biodiversity and ecological wonders. Encounter rare flora and fauna endemic to the region, preserved through meticulous conservation efforts. Learn about the town's ecological initiatives and the importance of preserving its natural heritage for future generations.

  • Special Exhibitions and Events

  • Artisan Spotlight

    Experience the craftsmanship of local artisans through rotating exhibitions showcasing traditional crafts such as pottery, weaving, and woodcarving.

  • Lecture Series

    Engage with experts and historians as they delve into various aspects of Unisan's history, culture, and heritage through insightful lectures and discussions.

  • Community Heritage Projects

    Participate in hands-on workshops and community-driven initiatives aimed at preserving and promoting Unisan's intangible cultural heritage.

Unisan Museum

Unisan Museum
Unisan Museum
Old church
Proof of the construction of old St. Peter Parish Church
Ruins of the Old Bridge